MELCAYA Kick-off Meeting – January 12th and 13th, 2023

Announcing the launch of MELCAYA, a European project to combat melanoma in children, adolescents and young adults

Endowed with eight million euros, the project is coordinated by Susana Puig, the head of the research group IDIBAPS Melanoma: imaging, genetics and immunology

The kick-off meeting for the European MELCAYA project took place on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 January 2023 in the auditorium of the Esther Koplowitz Centre. With a budget of around eight million euros, the initiative aims to expand knowledge about melanoma in children, adolescents and young adults to improve diagnosis, follow-up and treatment.

Melanoma is currently poorly studied in children and young adults (CAYA) and there are no personalised guidelines. “The MELCAYA project includes experts in different disciplines such as oncology, paediatrics, ethics, policymakers and more, as well as different sectors, from hospitals to research centres and patient associations, to change this situation and improve the approach taken to melanoma in young people”, Puig explains.

The MELCAYA project aims to:

  • Integrate existing European cohorts and registries of reference
  • Conduct studies on genetic and environmental factors
  • Create a CAYA melanoma taxonomy
  • Develop a robust and reliable image-based tool and a European-wide second opinion platform
  • Validate non-invasive tools based on artificial intelligence and identify volatile compounds in patients’ breath and skin to facilitate early detection and a more accurate prognosis of melanoma
  • Design and implement public health strategies

Ultimately, the MELCAYA project aims to transfer research to European health programmes, putting the needs and perspectives of people affected by the disease front and centre.

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This project has received funding from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency under grant agreement No 101096667.

Project Office

August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS)

Campus Casanova, Casanova, 143

08036 Barcelona

