MELCAYA General Assembly in Rome 15th-16th of February 2024

The 2nd MELCAYA General Assembly took place in Rome. MELCAYA is the acronym for a European research consortium that stands for Melanoma in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults.

MELCAYA aims to accelerate and enhance the prediction and diagnosis of melanoma risk for children and young people, as well as make treatments more effective. The research comprises ten working groups.
Each group presented their outcomes during the meeting one of our MELCAYA partners Marjolein van Kessel (Nevus Netwerk Nederland) summarized the two days – details under:

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This project has received funding from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency under grant agreement No 101096667.

Project Office

August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS)

Campus Casanova, Casanova, 143

08036 Barcelona

